Mouse: Select and command your team members.
- This is a turn-based strategy game that uses AP (Action Point) mechanics. Fans of Fallout 1 and 2 will be familiar with the game-play.
- In each battle, try to defeat all enemies as quickly as possible. Each of your characters has a limited amount of AP that are used to move and attack.
- Moving horizontally, forward or backward, takes 1 AP per tile. Moving vertically needs no AP.
- If you have no more AP, press the End Turn button. You'll to regain some AP but your enemies will have a chance to attack you.
- There is no "Level-up" System. Your HP, damage, AP, and other stats are determined by the armor and weapons.
- Some equipment have special abilities which are displayed in their description. Figuring out how best to use them, is entirely on you.
- You cannot change your character's classes. Learn to optimize their use.
- Armor is subtle and relies partly on luck, but it can be invaluable in many situations.
- Certain enemies drop items which will help out in difficult battles.
- You don't NEED to explore the entire facility... but it does help quite a bit.
- If you lose a man, the Higher Powers will resurrect him after you finish the battle. Assuming, of course, that you win.
- Save often. Srsly.